Sunday, February 15, 2009

Member Clothes

Okay, you may already know this from but believe it or not, you can wear member clothes without being a member! Tocoolforu72 is not a member and he is wearing member clothes! To do this you have to literally stand right over a member penguin with clothes on, then click on them then really really fast click on yourself, you will be wearing some of their clothes! I hope it works for you, it took me a while to get right. Here are some pics though!

This glitch is really hard to do but really cool, I hope it works for you!


  1. You can only see it on your player card though.

  2. Thats so cool!! I never figured out how to get it to work, but I dont need to, I'm already a member...
    I was wondering, could you visit my site:
    Hope to see you commenting!

  3. I Don't think I can get it cuz my computer is sooo sloW oh well!


  4. Wow, a famous penguin on my site! Sweet! Wanna meet me on cp Mrpengiewin?!

  5. lol me and my friends are in that pic you can see Sallybard234 yelling my nickname LOCK! and then also N Y Pride lol
