Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mission 6 Guide; Questions For A Crab

1. Talk to G and the machine should explode.
2. Follow the crab into the HQ room.
3. Then follow him into the gift shop, then the ski lodge.
4. Go up the mountain following the crab, then down the mountain.
5. Go to the tree with the O berries and cut them down with your scissors.
6. Feed an O berry to the black puffle, at the tree stump, he will then follow you.
7. Go to the place with a door, and put an O berry through it, the black puffle will unlock the door.
8. The polar bear will then trap you, talk to him then.
9. Go to the right, and put an O berry on the red thing, then put one on the other side of the water thing, after that put one on the weight thingy, the door will then open.
10. Take the anchor, rope, hot sauce, and instructions on the left then leave the place.
11. To get through the snow, mix a O berry with the hot sauce then put it in front of the door.
12. Go to the mountain and put the rope, and anchor together then go up.
13. Go to the pizza shop and get a seaweed pizza, and give it to the polar bear behind the ski lodge.
14. Turn the lever on the machine to the red part then talk to the bear.
15. They will go crashing along the ice, talk to G then and give him his instructions back.
You have now finished mission 6! Congrats, get your medal and note from G! :)


  1. No wait Im on this one

  2. WAter look cool! daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  3. I think the bears name is sherbert or herman
