Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mission 2 Guide; Case of the Missing Coins

1. Talk to Rookie( the green penguin)and he will close the vault.
2. Go upstairs and look under the couch, pick up the CD and paper clip.
3. Go to the computer and put the disk in and turn on the power.
4. Go to my combination number in my files, then write down the combination, it's different every time.
5. Go back downstairs and put in the combination in the safe.
6. Then go into the safe with Rookie and you will find the coins on top of the safe.
7. G will then call you so go to HQ and watch the TV he tells you to.
8. Take the key that says Roof top, then go to the roof top, of the gift shop.
9. On the roof top you will see a white hair tuft, take it.
10. Unscrew the Power Box with the wrench in your spy phone.
11. Click on the Power Box then put the paper clip in it.
12. Go downstairs and you will notice the coins on the ground.
13. Talk to Rookie and then go to HQ to talk to G.
14. Give the hair piece to G and if you want to do the other thing then hit sure what is it that you want me to do, if not you don't have to, it's extra credit.
15. If you want to do extra credit then get the flashlight in HQ, then go to the Night Club, and talk to the penguin crying.
16. Go to the boiler room(under the Night Club)and click on the fuse box.
17. It may take you a while to get all the button things to green, I know it takes me a long time.
18. When you get them all green go back up to the night club and talk to the penguin dancing on the dance floor.
19. Go to HQ and talk to G.
You now have finished mission 2 get your medal, and if you did extra credit you get a letter from Aunt Arctic!

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