Monday, February 2, 2009

How to become a secret agent!

Here are the answers to becoming a secret agent!
Q. Pick a quility you think a secret agent should have.

A. Honest.

Q. What would you do if you saw a penguin breaking the rules?
A. Report them

Q. Pick a correct reason to report a penguin to a moderator.
A. Being Rude or mean

Q. Which type of personal information should be reported?
A. Saying there address.

Q. Pick one reason why you want to be a secret agent.
A. I want to keep club penguin safe.

Q. Pick another reason why you want to become a secret agent.
A. I want to help other penguins.

You will then get a special spy phone and access to the HQ, you can get there from your spy phone or by the curtain of the Sports Shop! You can also do missions as a secret agent to get guides for these missions click on the missions 1-10 guides on the left! To become an agent you have to be 30 day old, click on the M in the top right corner on your club penguin screen.

This is the secret HQ! Waddle on! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. guess wat i got a web site it is cool huh plz come on

  3. you did not get some of them right

  4. I know I saw and I did corrections.

  5. Ya, I'm still on, I juust did a weird glitch post thing.

  6. actully anther one but any way your on the list but if you can aswer this youll be rank higher

  7. can you post my site on your site plz ill ask you at school too

  8. you this is not a cheat
