Friday, January 30, 2009

Small glitch

Okay this is a really short glitch but if you walk up to the telescope and right before you get ther click on your mail, your mail won't come up! Pretty sweet glitch. Thanks Chewbaca9356!
Special thanks to Chewbaca9356! :) Waddle on! :)


  1. i post and i work my butt off tring to find glitches and chewy does one and you reward him big i gave you three and chewy gave you one big wup stop makeind chewy better than me just caus he is your friend i do not care if you put him under super penguin but not amazing penguin


  2. hey j mac is awe 7 plz post my penguin on your site have cheewe put more cheats down be for he is one your site be for he is on amazing penguins

    mr awsome

  3. Jmac here is a cheat if u take a red puffle in cachin waves u get some more coins than u normaly would.

    Mr Awesome

  4. you said short glitch not huge amzeing glitch relly stop


  5. and you no wat i ment 3 cpg mods and how many did you meet 0 and all them are my buddies here they are Mrpenguin, cleveraqua64 and sophi jr beat that


  6. guess wat i found a wierd glitch if hit your house button it will show you up with in your igloo and you can play inside your house then it puts you back in the dojo cool and you posted chewy got that small glitch post this or else


  7. srry did not mention it but for cars-jistu

  8. i got a cheet for you if you hold 1,2 or 3 on your keybord in astro barrie you go to the secret levels for 10 20 or 30 depending on whitch number you press


  9. jmac here is a cool glich iknow u
    know but here it is anyway if u dont get any coins through jet pack adventure u get 1,000 thx

    Mr Awesome

  10. hey u 2 stop this stuff swimy and jmac it is inoing to see both of you fight over something so eraticcly stupid like this as club penguin and stop fighting about this special list make chewy a super penguin or make swimy swimy has been around for awail he told me this to me today he is 810 days old that is alot

    Mr Awesome

  11. Wow! Thanks for all the cheats guys I will try to post as many as possible!

  12. if you take your pink puffle in aqua grabber he will apeear in ther is that coll or wat


  13. me and awe (mr aweaomw) found tis on cheat on thin ice on the last level if you go 3 from the top you you can go through the wall and if you get to the circle you get tons of money bags

    Swimy1998 & awe

  14. the thing were you click on the mail right before you get there works on anything suck as stairs or games

  15. by the way swimy and awe thats not a cheat

  16. sorry jmac idnt mean to say s u c k I meant to say such
